Monday, June 29, 2020

ISS Build - Parts Bag 4

This portion of the International Space Station  build gets increasingly interesting, as this is where more of the intricate detail is added: laboratory modules, node sections, Soyuz 'lifeboats',  microwave dish antennas, and myriad other gadgets.

Not knowing much about the ISS, I had to go online to the NASA website to take a crash course and educate myself about this remarkable craft.  Luckily, I found several detailed diagrams identifying the major components, as well as project construction timelines, and many other details.
In the process, I learned a lot and gained quite a bit of respect for the designer of this LEGO model.

Friday, June 26, 2020

ISS Build-Bag 3

Still progressing with the International Soace Station.
The contents of bag number three consist of the parts necessary to render the central truss of the Station.

No special techniques here - mainly standard plate, brick, and slope construction.
The remainder of the bags will get into the nitty-gritty detailing.  Stay tuned....

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

ISS Build - Parts Bag 2

This is a short post.
Bag two of the IDEAS ISS set is all about the display stand.
Interesting mix of standard and Technic elements, complete with a printed title plate.

Moving along....

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

ISS Build - Parts Bag 1

The first bag of parts in the International Space Station set yields a number of interesting small builds.

Foremost is a nicely rendered micro-scale shuttle orbiter.
This is followed by a pair of satellites, a standard space capsule, and a trio of microfig astronauts.
The parts list calls out two of these, but it appears they throw an extra in as part of the 'spares' supply of small parts.

Moving on to bag 2.....

Monday, June 22, 2020

A New Set Build: The International Space Station

This past weekend, the Father's Day family get-together netted me several more LEGO sets from the kiddoes. 
How things have changed since the old days: kids buying toys for their parents!

The first of these builds I am going to tackle is the IDEAS set 21321, the International Space Station.

The set comes packaged in seven bags, two of which are labeled 6.

I was instantly delighted to see that all of those solar panel pieces are printed rather than relying on stickers.  Not that I wouldn't have particularly minded affixing stickers to that many parts, but the pre-prints will make the build go a bit quicker.

Good to see the 16+ age range on the box. 
This shows that LEGO is serious about us old fogey AFOLs.

Tomorrow, I tear into bag 1....

Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Brick Built Stop Sign

I have a two year old grandson who is infatuated with learning and reciting the alphabet.  He has learned to read the letters spelling STOP, and has become intrigued with any Stop sign he sees.
So, I sat down yesterday afternoon and knocked together a STOP sign from LEGO parts.
I'll  keep this hanging around the house for him to see whenever he visits.


Friday, June 19, 2020

No More Monsters !!.. A Brick Comic

This was a very fun MOC comic strip to build, photograph, and edit.
Just for the record, the monsters featured in this strip are the three iterations of  Creator set 31032-Red Creatures.
Some of you astute observers might note that Emmet's green jeep is one of the 2015 Pick-A-Model offerings from the PAB wall.
The vehicle which Batman is working on is from DC Super Heroes set 76000-Arctic Batman vs. Mr. Freeze.

More of this kind to come...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Trio Of Small Set Builds

This past week, I've taken a short break from MOC-ing in favor of sitting down to knock together a few small sets that remain from last fall's yard sale haul.

The first is the Ultra Agents Riverside Raid (#79160), featuring a quad bike/jet speeder vehicle.

Two minifigs are included: Agent Max Burns, and super-villain Adam Acid.  Two small toxic material crates complete the scene.
Not really my cup of tea, so the set will be parted out.  The boxes may prove useful in a future MOC, and, course, any various minifigs are always welcome to the collection.

The next set is a bit more ineresting:
Galaxy Squad Space Swarmer (# 70700).

This offering features a unique space craft and interesting minifigs: Galaxy Squad Blue Robot and an Alien 'Buggoid'.  The robot wields an impressive looking laser cannon weapon. I will probably keep this one assembled, as it might prove useful for a future MOC or comic strip that calls for an alien invasion.

The third set is the City Great Vehicles Logging Truck. (# 60059).

The truck is complete, but the set is missing the two lumberjack minifigs.  I'll keep this one together as well, but it won't be entirely immune to parts purloining.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Little Waldo's Nature Lesson

Today's post is a brick rendition of a cartoon I drew many years ago.....

Here is a different angle showing the structure of the build...

This is a close-up of brick-built 'Dad'......

And 'Little Waldo himself !.....

The spider legs and web piece were generously lent for this 
vignette from the Harry Potter 'Aragog' set.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

First Attempt At Serious Sculpture

Ever since I began putzing around with LEGO and became an avid AFOL, I have always admired the incredible work of brick artist, Nathan Sawaya.

I wondered if I could pull off building a reasonably realistic human face.

So, out came the boxes of standard red bricks and a ready made base plate assembly.

Here is the result:

The model only depicts the front half of the head, but it turned out reasonably well.

It was definitely adequate enough to fool my cel phone when I took this picture - the phone put up the human face focusing indicator!

This relief head is roughly 3/4 the dimensions of an average human head.

Just might have to play around with a little more of this kind of building....