My ongoing parts re-organization project (frenzy?) has been blasting full bore this past week.
I finally got to the box labeled 'Mini-Fig Accessories'. This is a plastic compartmented box into which any and all minifig tools, weapons, hats, etc. have been tossed with very little semblance of order.
Finding that one particular tool, knight's sword, hard hat, or wizard's wand usually is an exercise in frustration when trying to pick through the mess.
Clearly, it's time to do something about it.
I happen to have a small bag containing around 50 or so 1x1 tan plates with clip that I obtained at the PAB wall a couple years ago.
I envisioned building a wall o' bricks integrating these parts onto which I could attach a good number of the smaller minifig tools and weapons for easy viewing and access.
As this simple little project progressed, things started getting WAY more creative, and I soon found myself surrounded by many boxes and bags of LEGO parts.
I had descended hopelessly into.....
(Cue dramatic music)
Here is the end result...
The MOC consists of two seperate back-to-back vignettes divided by a center wall.
The first is a pirate-themed weapons arsenal including everything from medieval battle axes to light sabers.
The other side is a workshop featuring my mini-fig doppelganger.
The shop clock on the back wall is accurate twice a day!
This was a very fun build, along with being a great storage system for minifig accessories!