Monday, February 4, 2019

A Suitable Place For Batman

The first post on this blog to feature a set/MOC build is one I finished up a couple of weeks ago - the
‘Battle-Ready Metalbeard and Batman” (Set #70836) from the LEGO Movie 2 set series.

One small issue I have with many of the LEGO Movie sets, old and new, is that they just do not look entirely right when standing on a display shelf by themselves.  I think that they require a little bit of additional scenery and/or embellishments to put them into some manner of contextual continuity with scenes or references to the movies.

This is definitely the case with this new set.

To remedy this, I do believe a wee bit of MOC-ery (MOC-ification?  MOC-atizing?) is in order.

One half of the ‘Battle Ready Metalbeard and Batman’ LEGO Movie 2 set is given over to Batman and his throne, which features large spreading bat-wings and a sign reading “You’re Welcome”.

The new Apocalypseburg minifig rendition of Batman is very interesting -complete with tattered cape, large tire shoulder pads, sleeveless costume, and new-look Batman logos.

The throne as it stands on its own is very unremarkable, and is in sore need of some additional embellishment.

For this MOC/set combination, I chose to place Batman and his throne in a room setting, done entirely in black and gray, of course. 
The throne room walls are studded with a few differing bricks and some protruding shelf detail, while the floor is somewhat uneven, suggesting an area of the ‘bat-cave’.

I wasn’t at all satisfied with a vignette that only showed Batman standing around on his throne in a stark gray room, doing nothing, and with no apparent purpose or story line.

My eyes lit on the bright yellow Star character that was included with the set.  In the LEGO Movie 2, the Stars (and similar Hearts) are actually deadly, albeit cute, forms of ammunition fired at the defending heroes of Apocalypseburg.

I determined to find some way to integrate this bright, cheery element into the dark and brooding world of Batman’s cave -  in a humorous way, of course.

I hit upon the idea that this particular Star happened to be captured by Batman and brought back to the Bat-cave as a prisoner.

Hence, the need for a MOC cage.
The scene is completed by the addition of a massive audio speaker placed facing the cage and its bright and happy captive. 

A pair of platforms extending out on either side of the throne serve to support Batman’s sound system control panel and microphone stand.
The concept idea here is that Batman is attempting to torment his prisoner with one of his high-volume, heavy-metal rap compositions.  Ouch!

Next post will cover the Crab-Mech Metalbeard portion of the set.

Stat tuned.....

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